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Three Things about Turmeric as an Indispensable Ingredient in our Kitchens

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Ritambhara tells us three benefits of turmeric, exclusively for Different Truths.

Turmeric is a spice that gives most of the Indian cuisines its distinctive yellow colour. It is one of the most-effective nutritional and medicinal supplements (as an anti-inflammatory agent) in existence. I remember as a child my grandmother would use turmeric powder when we got hurt apart from it being one of the essential components while cooking lentils, vegetables, etc. Studies have confirmed the major benefits of turmeric for our body and brain. Here are the three most essential things about incorporating turmeric in our day-to-day life:

1. It has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties

Curcumin, one of the major compounds found in turmeric, is vital for treating inflammation. It is noticeable that without inflammation, pathogens like bacteria could easily enter our body and make us seriously sick. But chronic inflammation can turn to be fatal as it starts attacking the body’s own tissues and plays a vital role in averting heart ailments, arthritis (inflammation of the joints) and innumerable other degenerative conditions.


Curcumin, one of the major compounds found in turmeric, is vital for treating inflammation. It is noticeable that without inflammation, pathogens like bacteria could easily enter our body and make us seriously sick.

Thus, the consumption of turmeric can help in reducing acute inflammation and averting diseases. As a home remedy, you can dissolve a teaspoonful of turmeric in a glass of milk to treat your arthritis and reduce inflammation.

2. Use of turmeric as a beauty product

It can be used for treating minor bruises, sun damage, stretch marks, acne, blemishes, dark circles, etc.

We all, most probably, use turmeric as a spice, but with its medicinal properties it acts as a natural antiseptic too and plays a great role in our beauty routine. It can be used for treating minor bruises, sun damage, stretch marks, acne, blemishes, dark circles, etc. You simply have to mix it with yoghurt or lemon and rose water before applying it on the skin.


3. How to supplement the absorption of curcumin?

Turmeric is used as a spice as well as medicinal herb. It is used for cooking food as well as major ingredient in amedicines.

Turmeric is used as a spice as well as a medicinal herb. It is used for cooking food as well as a major ingredient in medicines. In Indian food items, turmeric finds a respectable place. But, it goes unaware that the absorption of curcumin in the bloodstream is very poor and to enhance its absorption for better results you can add black pepper. Try using turmeric and black pepper together to increase the effectiveness of curcumin significantly for oral consumption (Reminder: Please do not use it with black pepper for beauty purpose).

Photos from the Internet.

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  1. Kavya 5 years ago

    Exactly Ritambhara K Upadhyay .

    • Ritambhara 5 years ago

      Thanks Kavya…..

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