
Youth Leadership and Nation-Building

Dr Shakti opines that environment, cultural heritage, value orientation and spiritual wisdom are must for youth leadership and nation-building. An opinion piece for Different Truths.

When we think of nation-building today, especially in the context of India, what generally comes to our mind is the industrial, economic, and commercial progress as well as military powers, along with the developments in the fields of science, space technology, atomic power, information technology, etc. But I feel that the ideal development of a country cannot exclude its rich environment, ecology, biodiversity, cultural tradition, value orientation, ethical and spiritual development.

There is no harm in imitating the western model of industrial development based upon the progress of science and technology, which we have already done, but we can’t keep it lopsided. We can’t afford to ignore our spiritual traditions, rich cultural heritage, beautiful flora and fauna, etc. We cannot do away with our value-orientation, ethical standards,

There is no harm in imitating the western model of industrial development based upon the progress of science and technology, which we have already done, but we can’t keep it lopsided. We can’t afford to ignore our spiritual traditions, rich cultural heritage, beautiful flora and fauna, etc. We cannot do away with our value-orientation, ethical standards, traditional lifestyle, and the Indian way of life. These are the areas where we specialise and these are the areas where we project ourselves to become ‘Vishva Guru’ in due course of time. We are fortunate to have arrived at the timely conclusion that we must maintain a fine balance between the Indian spiritual values and scientific technology, between the western model of development and the eastern idea of spiritualism.

So when we make a projection of building a nation as per modern needs, we have both in mind – the material prosperity and the spiritual life; at least for us both are inevitable. Now, keeping these ideas in view, let us think about the kind of youth leadership that we have. Will we attain these ideals depending upon our modern degenerated and degraded youth force that we find hanging around us these days? They lurk on the roundabouts, are engaged in gossips and rumour-mongering, wandering in malls and supermarkets, looking for pizza and burger, with girlfriends/boyfriends. We can’t foresee any serious attainments via these non-serious type of youths. They have no comprehension of nation-building.

Our most brilliant minds are admitted to the medical and engineering colleges. We perceive the hollowness of their character and degraded culture. These so-called brilliant minds can be assessed by the manner in which they indulge in the practice of ragging, setting aside all norms of decency. 

Let us consider some examples. Our most brilliant minds are admitted to the medical and engineering colleges. We perceive the hollowness of their


character and degraded culture. These so-called brilliant minds can be assessed by the manner in which they indulge in the practice of ragging, setting aside all norms of decency. How forcefully they insist on keeping this criminal practice alive, despite all resistance by the authorities and local administration. Their torturous behaviour towards their own brethren – the juniors – is so cruel and inhuman that we are shaken and stunned to hear the stories of their atrocities, who are just like their younger brothers. Such criminalities practised in the name of ragging are examples of the worst kind of degradation that has taken place in the most brilliant and intelligent minds of our country.

Similarly, another category is that of the civil servants whose uncivil behaviour towards the common man is reported in the media every now and again. They are considered even more meritorious and talented, and we are all aware of their level of corruption and immorality. The public is extremely disappointed and disgusted with the character and behaviour of these public servants, the government officials.

Our younger generation has lost the capacity to think, except in terms of their jobs, selfish personal career pursuits and professional advancements. They have no sense of values or ethical standards. What else can we expect from them when their role models are film stars and cricketers!

Our younger generation has lost the capacity to think, except in terms of their jobs, selfish personal career pursuits and professional advancements. They have no sense of values or ethical standards. What else can we expect from them when their role models are film stars and cricketers! They have no idea of what a nation means, and what consists of the richness of life and its higher attainments.

There is yet another category of youth who land up in the business of land-grabbing on the pretext of real estate, driving their Bolero or Scorpio, in the company of a few rifle-wielding goons. They are basically criminals whose criminalities we witness frequently in different public places – restaurants, hotels, malls, parks, roads and trains, frequently reported in the media. These types of youth mostly ally with politicians and some of them join the mainstream politics. Some of them join the youth wings of various political organisations. They don’t know how to respect others, they don’t know how to communicate with others, they don’t know how to serve the people, and they have no sense of character and ethics. They are interested in politics and politicians not because they want to serve the people but because they think that politics is an easy way to make money. Their idea is based upon the fact that more than 90 per cent of the politicians are not MPs, MLCs or MLAs and, therefore, they are not getting salaries, yet they are full-timers and they are all doing well.

All these categories of our youth lack in character, personality, true leadership, communication skills, interpersonal abilities, creativity, goals in life, value orientation, etc. They are not disciplined enough to take control of their lives in today’s complexities. They lack in value orientation, spiritual awareness and ethical orientation.

They are not disciplined enough to take control of their lives in today’s complexities. They lack in value orientation, spiritual awareness and ethical orientation.


Prior to nation-building, we must focus upon character-building of our youth force on whose shoulders we are going to place the progress and well-being of our country.

Now the problem is this – our universities and colleges are the examination centres, or we can say, centres for distribution of degrees, and to some better ones are spreading the knowledge of different subjects, which are taught in these institutions, be it in the area of natural sciences, social sciences, arts or humanities. In the medical and engineering colleges, as well as polytechnic colleges, the students gain the knowledge and training of certain specific skills. The students become skilled in those areas. Even management institutes are not giving any training in life management and value orientation. They are focusing upon the principles and practices of business management, marketing and advertising. Even the extra-curricular activities which are taken up in these institutions are limited only to dance, music and sports. They don’t include any such activities which can train them in value orientation, communication, creative thinking and other life skills.

Even the government departments established for the development of youth and run by the ministry of sports and youth affairs, and the ministry of culture, are just conducting programs and competitions in dance, music and sports. You visit any youth festival funded by the government and you will find nothing but dance and music. Most of the times, in these programs, celebrities are brought from Mumbai to entertain the young minds. I wish to state that dance, music, sports and politics do not constitute leadership development. Similarly, the knowledge of subjects and skills have nothing to do with value orientation and ethical leadership.

Spiritual awakening, character building and leadership qualities are very essential requirements for the development of youth, in addition to whatever skills and knowledge they acquire for the purpose of their career advancement and professional excellence.

Spiritual awakening, character building and leadership qualities are very essential requirements for the development of youth, in addition to whatever skills and knowledge they acquire for the purpose of their career advancement and professional excellence. Thus, it is essential that they receive proper training in value education, spiritual knowledge, leadership training, health education, career counselling, and parenting skills. They must become better human beings with creative thinking. And we must have supplementary training and education programs because the existing syllabus is not going to help. Only then our youth will be able to make a contribution towards nation-building.

We can think of nation-building only when we ensure the character-building of the young generation. I would like to reiterate that while focusing upon industrial development, military strength and material prosperity, we can’t ignore our environment, cultural heritage, value orientation and spiritual wisdom.

Photo from the Internet

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Dr. Shakti Kumar Pandey
Dr. Shakti Kumar Pandey is Ex-HoD of English, MDPG College (Allahabad State University). As a part-time journalist and writer, he has been associated with The Times of India, Navbharat Times, UNI and some periodicals for the last three decades. He is involved in designing and delivering the training programs of Life Management Skills, comprising, among other things, preventive healthcare, career counseling, leadership and personal development, parenting skills, and value education, etc. He stays in Lucknow.
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