Believe it or not, your thoughts can change your face! Physiognomy studies the face, in particular, to reveal the true person within, says Aditi, in this write-up. An exclusive for Different Truths.

Morality, firmness, will-power and ethics are not mere sentiments or matters of personal belief. These are physical powers. A person can be moral, ethical, strong, and determined only when his body and organs allow him to do so. It is beautiful when all the features and organs of our body are fully developed. Long and broad nose, fuller lips, clearer eyes, fuller cheeks, healthy skin is all natural beauty. However, these days the idea of beauty is getting somewhat skewed. A fully developed long and broad nose is considered to be inferior to a smaller one and people are getting nose jobs done. People are dieting to lose weight and acquire hollow cheeks and with that even the clearer eyes are beginning to sink.
Symmetry, balance and harmony produce beauty. When we recognise a face as beautiful, we make a judgement about the health and vitality of that individual. Good health produces natural beauty and weakness produces natural ugliness. In other words, only when we are beautiful inside, the beauty shall radiate outside.
Physiognomy is the art of reading the characteristics of a person’s mind from his outer appearance, specially the face. Our brain and our body are interrelated. The way the brain thinks, the body becomes; the way the body is the brain adjusts itself in accordance with it.
According to the principles of Physiognomy, a face may be divided into three grand divisions:
- The first grand division consists of the area around the mouth and below the ears.
- The second grand division consists of the area around the nose and eyes.
- The third grand division consists of the forehead and the height of the brain above the ears.
Mostly it is seen that the three divisions are not equal in majority of the faces.
Mostly it is seen that the three divisions are not equal in majority of the faces. Either of the divisions is smaller or bigger in size. Depending upon which division is bigger and more developed, the characteristics of an individual’s brain can be predicted. In case all the three divisions are equal in size, shape and quality, it indicates a very balanced individual.

A good first grand division consists of a good mouth and chin area, fuller lips, longer and broader chin and fleshy areas around the mouth and jaw. The first grand division corresponds to the most primitive functions of the body like consumption and digestion of food, secretion, excretion and also reproduction. A well developed first division is indicative of having qualities like strong ethics, moral principles, having strong conscience, firmness, integrity and having the attitude of consistently putting efforts in a particular direction. Fuller lips indicate sensuality. Having a well developed chin area is also indicative of domestic qualities and hospitality.
A good second grand division consists of a good nose and clear and bright eyes. A good nose is the one, which is fully developed in length, breadth and height and has bigger nostrils. In our face, the nose is the most striking proof of clarity of mind, decisiveness, will-power, imagination and intelligence. Bigger nostrils indicate the ability of receiving more oxygen. Repeated such activity makes the lungs stronger and the lungs are able to send more oxygenated blood to the heart and thus the heart also becomes stronger in the process. Hence, a well developed nose with bigger nostrils is indicative of stronger internal organs.
A well developed third division is indicative of increased capacity towards mental activity, reasoning, logic and mathematics.
A good third division has a good amount of forehead and height of brain above the ears. A well developed third division is indicative of increased capacity towards mental activity, reasoning, logic and mathematics.
The three grand divisions may be further divided into five sub-divisions:
The area surrounding the mouth, which is the first grand division, is also the first sub-division. The nose may be divided into two parts; the lower and the upper. When the lower part of the nose is more developed in height, breadth and length, it gives creative and inventive powers. Most of the talented artists and writers have a very well developed lower part of the nose.
The upper sub-division of the nose is indicative of will-power and executive abilities. If this portion is high, it shows great will-power and determination. If this area is dipping, it shows indecisiveness.
The fourth sub-division consists of the projection of bones above the eye-socket. When the bone above the eye-socket is well developed, the eyes become deep-set. Such eyes are indicative of a good eye-brain co-ordination. The individual with such eyes is extremely observant.
The fifth, and the final, sub-division of the face consists of the upper-forehead. A high, wide and clear upper forehead is indicative of developed reasoning, logic and intuition. People with such foreheads are extremely good with mathematics. Many famous mathematicians have this kind of a forehead.
Nothing is a mere co-incidence.
The three most important features, which show intelligence in an individual, are: the nose, the eyes and the forehead. The degree of brightness of the eyes represents the quality of the brain and nervous system. The length, width and height of the nose represent the vitality of the organs. The height and width of the forehead represents the amount of mental activity that a person is capable of undergoing.
All is symbolic in nature. Nothing is a mere co-incidence. All is also changeable in nature and nothing is permanent. We can always change the features that we are born with by changing the way we think. Our brain and our body are inter-related. The way the brain thinks, the body becomes and the way the body is, the brain adjusts itself to that.
Visuals designed by Anumtia Roy and Different Truths