You can see God -IV

It is obvious that you may not be able to see God, but He is always watching you! He is in His divine abode; still, He is watching you sitting in your inner conscience as Antaryami, He is seeing you sitting in inner spirit of your family and friends; He is watching you being with your neighbors, and known and unknown people. He is looking to you while blooming with flowers, singing with birds, jumping with rabbits, playing with squirrels. He is standing with hills, flowing with rivers, He is in blowing air, in glowing Sun, Moon, and stars, He is on open sky, He is everywhere. Everything is in Him and He is in all. You may not be able to see Him but as you open your heart you will see Him always every moment, and you’ll know you are breathing within His loving care. Dr. Krishna tells us about experiencing God, in the weekly column, exclusively for Different Truths.

There are uncountable people in this world who believe in the Supreme power, the Supreme consciousness, and the great Supreme Being. They call Him by many names – Iswar/God/Allah and many more. Still, also there are many people and communities, who raise questions on God, on His existence. Some scientists like Stephen Hawkins and many Physicists and Cosmologist and even many Marxist-Communist say that God is an imagination He does not exist, there is no Supreme “boss” of this universe. The universe is just “mass”, though they also do not know where from the “masses” come! This can be called as the “super puzzle” of physics!

Though materialistic science often rejects God, but they also do not know the answer to the question: “Who is the Creator”? Who creates all life? Why after so many efforts science of man could not be a Creator of Life?

Some say, “Nature is everything, nature creates Life”. Then also the question arises, how nature gets the first seed? How it comes? In common question, what came first, the hen, or the egg?

Thus, the question of God-Creator- Creation remains a mystery, all questions about Him goes back to the question again! There is no conclusion!!!

So let us follow the charismatic Lord Krishna’s live speech in Gita. In Gita, He says: “Sarbasya chaham hridi sannibisto” (I am gracefully sitting in the inner being of every life”), “samoaham sarbabhutesu” (I am equally in all”); all are the manifestation of His energy only and all have an inner self.

Thus it is obvious that you may not be able to see God, but He is always watching you! He is in His divine abode; still, He is watching you sitting in your inner conscience as Antaryami, He is seeing you sitting in inner spirit of your family and friends; He is watching you being with your neighbors and known and unknown people. He is looking to you while blooming with flowers, singing with birds, jumping with rabbits, playing with squirrels. He is standing with hills, flowing with rivers, He is in blowing air, in glowing Sun, Moon, and stars, He is on open sky, He is everywhere. Everything is in Him and He is in all. You may not be able to see Him but as you open your heart you will see Him always every moment, and you’ll know you are breathing within His loving care. You will see Him in and around you –every creature is His loving creation, this colorful landscape of nature is drawn by Him, these glittering Sun, moon, stars are bearing His light only. He is the supreme Beauty, Supreme Power, Supreme Light, Supreme Life, we are part of Him only, we are within Him, and synchronized in a beautiful manner!

So, there is only one way to see Him. Love all. And you’ll feel that His Loving eyes are full of joy, and He is smiling to you!

©Krishna Hota

Photos from the internet.

#SupremeLight #SupremeLife #God #Creator #Antaryami #GodnessGuide #DifferentTruths

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Dr. Krishna Hota
Dr. Krishna Hota did her post graduation and Ph.D from Jadavpur University and PG Diploma in Human Rights from IIHR, New Delhi, in Social Development. She is associated with the NGO sector for 22 years. She has authored two books, occasionally write articles for various publications.

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