You are Awakening to Divinity – III

The spiritual journey is not easy; as you get ready to your spiritual journey in your inner self you’ll face many challenges, especially from this materialistic life; many people who are not yet ready for this divine path will try to pull you back! Why? Because they want you to be with them, the way they enjoy the life: competition, greed, lust, hate, mockery, jealousy and all the bitter-hot “interesting” game of emotions and actions! They cannot just bear to see you so simple and good. But do not consider them as evil ones, they are not evil, but they have not yet awakened to divine self! Krishna tells us how to awaken our divinity, in the weekly column, exclusively for Different Truths.

From this mundane chaotic life, one day you will start your journey to your own spirit, this is spontaneous and this depends on your own will and choice to live your life in a different way – a peaceful life, full of love in self and offering love to every life on this planet.

For starters, the spiritual journey is not easy; as you get ready to your spiritual journey in your inner self you’ll face many challenges, especially from this materialistic life; many people who are not yet ready for this divine path will try to pull you back! Why? Because they want you to be with them, the way they enjoy the life: competition, greed, lust, hate, mockery, jealousy and all the bitter-hot “interesting” game of emotions and actions! They cannot just bear to see you so simple and good. But do not consider them as evil ones, they are not evil, but they have not yet awakened to divine self! So they feel bad or inferior when they see their yesterday’s friend and relative is standing so clean today.

So they will continuously hang around you, you’ll be pulled back and put in anger again, you’ll be challenged so that you also enter a competition and give them a chance to win. You will be thrashed so that you too give a blow, you will be poked so that you join their group! So what should you do? Living with all and enjoying games all play is convenient in a way – you have too many friends, foes, followers, so many to laugh together, fight and so many to shout around!

You are in a circle called society. Should you leave your exceptional path of divinity and go back to games?

But if you have a love for your spirit you need not enter in their boxing ring, neither to lose nor win, you have to live your divine identity and not be moved by any call of negativity.

Yes, this is not easy to live in a human society as a common human being in a family yet be simple and good, this is the toughest thing: common call is that: “either you live in society as we all do — -full of fights of ego, wealth, power, or be a “sannyasi” and leave “sansar”. If you be a “sannyasi” then we will “respect” you as a divine human being! But living with us in a family in society and still not a part of our fights? Oh come on and join us”!

For beginners of a spiritual path, this is a trouble of course, but you must remember that no journey in life is easy; your past journey of materialistic life was also full of clashes – ups and downs and it was painful.

So once you decided to walk on a spiritual path, be calm and tolerant, you are not alone, Ishwar is always with you: you are touching Him, loving Him and transforming to Him.

Please continue your everyday work just like you used to do before, live in a family and relate with people, but keep your heart open to divinity, i.e. love to all – unconditional love, none can distract you from that.

If anyone disturbs you much do not react to him, but pray for him to God; this will keep you steady on your divine path while help others also to rise to the Divine self.

©Dr. Krishna Hota

Photos from the internet.

#God #DivineSelf #Ishwar #Jealousy #Hatred #GoodnessGuide #Divinity #DifferentTruths

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Dr. Krishna Hota
Dr. Krishna Hota did her post graduation and Ph.D from Jadavpur University and PG Diploma in Human Rights from IIHR, New Delhi, in Social Development. She is associated with the NGO sector for 22 years. She has authored two books, occasionally write articles for various publications.

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