
Will You Stay: Explores Anxiety, Depression and Love

The book, Will You Stay, explores the nuances of mental illness. Through this book, the authors wanted people to see and realise the pain of being in depression. Does love heal, asks Sneha, in this book review. We are introducing a weekly column for bibliophiles, beginning this Friday, exclusively for Different Truths.

Authors:  Vedant Saxena and Annie Pruthi

Genre: Romance

My Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆

In his Poetics Aristotle explains tragedy and effect of tragedy as something which arouses pity and fear. We feel pity for character and fear for ourselves. We feel that at some point in our life we are going to suffer same fate as tragic characters.

Three out of five people suffer from depression or mental illness. But people don’t acknowledge it as a major cause of illness and ignore it

Three out of five people suffer from depression or mental illness. But people don’t acknowledge it as a major cause of illness and ignore it as something self-induced.

They’re often mocked and questioned about the legitimacy of it, so depressed people keep it to themselves and stop seeking help, often making it worse.

This book explores the nuances of mental illness. Through this book, the authors wanted people to see and realise the pain of being in depression, how hard it is to swim through it to the shore of normal being.

Coming to this book, some book make you cry so much that you feel spent after putting it down. But it also makes your relation with characters real.

Coming to this book, some book make you cry so much that you feel spent after putting it down. But it also makes your relation with characters real. I cried my heart out all through the novel.

Although I do not fear that I will suffer heartbreak as Shreyansh and Manya the two main characters of this novel but I fear that sometime in future I have to let go of everything I hold dear to me and this thought is my worst nightmare.

This is what anxiety and depression do to you, I guess! Yes, this book talks openly about two of the most hushed-hushed problem of modern times. At least 60 per cent people suffer from it but they will never come in open and talk about it and if they dare to talk about it, the society, their own friends and relatives will tear them apart. They will look at them with such pity and loathing that you will regret the moment you decided to talk about it.

Shreyansh is a heart broken student of hotel management and suffering from serious anxiety and depression, he is sceptical to fall in love again

Shreyansh is a heart broken student of hotel management and suffering from serious anxiety and depression, he is sceptical to fall in love again, but he met Manya in his college, his junior and an innocent girl, whom he wanted to protect. They end up together despite all the torture, taunts and plotting of their college mates. But will they stay together or not? You have to read it to know it.

The language, the narration, the menial details are fabulous. The authors have done a tremendous job. Kudos to them for talking about these issues. I dedicate and recommend this book to everyone, who is suffering silently and afraid of admitting the truth even to themselves.

I really loved the way the authors shaped the characters of Shreyansh and Manya.

I really loved the way the authors shaped the characters of Shreyansh and Manya. I admired the way he emerged stronger and kinder after all the suffering he went through and Manya’s character for how she stood up for the person she held dearest to her.

Photo sourced by the author

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Sneha Prakash Thakur
Sneha is an entrepreneur, teacher, feminist, literary critic, book reviewer, writer, culinarian, mother, wife and daughter. She is certified in Feminist Studies at IIT Madras and holds Master's degree in English Literature from IGNOU. She runs her online classes, and writes columns and reviews for different websites and magazines. She writes stories, which are hugely admired. She is an avid reader.

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