Nita is an ‘Internationally Certified Life Coach’, with clients in India and abroad. She specialises in coaching people about their thought processes and works with their belief systems. She believes that everyone is capable of tapping into the universal energy and using it to their advantage.

The demand for life coaches is very high in the western countries. It is also getting popular in India, especially in the metros. But most people are unaware about life coaching and coaches.
Life Coaching is a positive partnership between a coach and an individual (client). The coach helps a person to achieve results, based on the goals and objectives set by him / her. The client always chooses the focus of the ‘conversation’, while the coach listens to, observes, questions the individual in a way that he / she sees possibilities and potential where they did not. Coaching can be seen as a collaborative process in which the clients discover answers for themselves through the coach’s use of questions. Through the coaching process, the clarity that is needed to support the most effective actions is achieved.
Coaches are trained to listen, to observe and get the client to look at situations from the point of view of solutions, rather than problems; they believe the client is naturally creative and resourceful.
It is not the coach’s responsibility to ‘fix’ the client. Nor is it the job of the coach to direct the client to any given way forward. The coach lives by the motto that every client presents his or her self to the coach whole and complete, able to generate his or her own perfect solutions. The client is an expert on themselves and the skill of the coach, and their role, is in allowing the person to come up with their own answers. It’s important to understand that coaching is not advice giving, counseling, or therapy. Coaching may address such topics as goals, projects, business development, relationships, challenges and successes, and overcoming barriers or striking balance in the client’s life or profession.
In essence, coaching has two main facets. First, coaching is performance focused, which means it supports individuals in performing tasks to the best of their ability. Second, coaching is person-centered, which means that the individuals being coached are seen to have the important insights necessary to bring about successful results. Coaching will help to clarify and prioritise values, strengths, skills, and interests as they relate to the specific goal.

Who is a Coach?
A life coach works one-on-one with a client to support personal growth, professional growth, behavior modification, and goal-setting. Based on the premise that most people can achieve their goals if properly guided, a life coach will act as a mentor, assisting the client in the process of taking the life-improving actions necessary to take control of his or her future. A life coach does not focus on reviewing past events or analysing previous failures. Through a series of attainable steps, a life coach helps clients overcome fears and achieve balance in both their personal and professional life.
Life coaches can help their clients identify, and then put in place, the steps needed to realise their dreams. This can be a highly exhilarating experience, for both the client and the coach, as obstacles disappear and goals are achieved. Using a coach is becoming an increasingly preferred way of making dramatic changes in attitude, performance and well-being.
Do you need a Coach?
An individual or team might choose to work with a coach for many reasons, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Something urgent, compelling or exciting is at stake (a challenge, stretch goal or opportunity)
- A desire to increase knowledge, skills, confidence or resources
- A desire to accelerate results
- A lack of clarity with choices to be made
- Success has started to become problematic
- Work and life are out of balance, creating unwanted consequences
- Core strengths need to be identified, along with how best to leverage them
- All is well, but there’s a desire to enhance the quality of life
For the coaching process to be successful, coaching asks certain things, all of which begin with an intention. It helps if the clients:
- Focus on oneself and one’s joy
- Observe the behaviors and communications of others
- Listen to one’s intuition, assumptions, judgments
- Challenge existing attitudes, limiting beliefs and behaviors and develop new ones that are empowering
- Leverage personal strengths
- Get comfortable taking decisive actions to reach for the extraordinary
- Show compassion for one’s self while learning new behaviors and experiencing setbacks, and to show that compassion for others as they do the same
- Not take oneself so seriously, using humor to lighten and brighten any situation
- Realise that disappointment and unmet expectations are part of the journey
- Are willing to reach for more than before while engaging in continual self-examination without fear
Almost anyone can make positive changes in their life with the help of a coach. If you are interested in experiencing clarity and utilising your highest potential to create the life you have dreamed of, get in touch with a Life Coach today!
Visuals by Different Truths
Very nice nita