Soma tells us about the emerging genre, feel poetry, which is catching on. She ends it with a poem. An exclusive for Different Truths.

“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” ~Robert Frost

Poets are considered as artists who combine aesthetics and literature, because they often use the particular forms and conventions to suggest alternative meanings in the words. Compared to other literary styles, poetry gives readers a different and brand-new feeling, and the elements of poetry including prosody, form and diction invoke thoughts and powerful feelings in the readers or listeners. 

Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way to generate new concepts, methodologies, and understandings. This could include synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it leads to new and creative outcomes. 

Poetry is about emotion or is even written with it. 

Poetry is about emotion or is even written with it. We just naturally assume this because in most cases when we feel low or want to express our emotions, some of us do so through poetry. Emotion may be a standard in poetry, but it is not a priority, meaning it is not always necessary.

Learning how to ‘evoke the emotions’ by the employment of the senses. I will share some of the simple versions with you:

Writing concrete thoughts and images, not abstract ones. We want to see, hear, smell, taste and feel what we are writing.

We want the subject to do the action, which draws us into the emotions.

Using the active voice, not the passive voice. We want the subject to do the action, which draws us into the emotions. For the differences between the two, worldly poems and feel poems.

Utilising action verbs, not linking verbs. We want to feel the pop of the action, the sizzle to the bacon.

Using metaphors over similes. The simile, with the use of ‘like’ or ‘as’, might also slow up and impede the evocation of the emotions. Metaphors however can give a better picture of the two objects we compare.

Feel poem is just writing down your emotions and thoughts; what you feel from within your soul.

Feel poem is just writing down your emotions and thoughts; what you feel from within your soul. It could be a feeling of happiness, guilt, a funny feeling, loneliness, or a feeling of being cheated, among others.

The best advice I ever got in life, whether for writing poetry or life in general, was to not let ‘rules’ and ‘set parameters’ define how you write. 

Poetry is a feeling and a creation. Poetry with emotion could be said to be more real, purer, and more authentic.

Poetry is a feeling and a creation.

Poems are a form of writing that’s often rich with emotion, and they’re meant to provoke an emotional response from the reader.

Poems are a form of writing that’s often rich with emotion, and they’re meant to provoke an emotional response from the reader. Diction, or word choice, is extremely important in poetry. Poets are careful about the connotation and denotation of the words they pick because they know that words carry emotional weight.

Both writing and reading poetry, through their expression of feelings and words have highly therapeutic effects on the mind. The structure of a poem favours brevity yet the best poems also capture succinct detail, making them incredibly powerful in getting a message across to the reader.

A poem is first and foremost an expression of emotion. You must engage your feelings when you read a poem, read it loudly.

A poem is first and foremost an expression of emotion. You must engage your feelings when you read a poem, read it loudly. It does a formal dance around the emotions and engages them while also engaging your brain. Emotion on its own is mere sentimentality.

Anaïs Duplan is a poet, curator, and artist said, “For writing, spend time with any kind of object — including a memory — that causes emotional shifts for you and use your writing to try to get to the bottom of the shifts. It’s harder than you think, but you’ll generate a lot of writing trying to put words to what you’re sensing.

“Working by way of the emotions allows a different kind of sense-making than is possible when working linearly or by way of logical thought. I think these two kinds of sense-making, used together, mimic the way we make sense of our daily experiences and therefore deepen our reading and writing experiences.”

Understand Me

When I see myself in the mirror
I stare at it for long
I wish I have no
Feeling at all
Feeling feasting on the substance
Of my mind
Am I an alien?
Of its own kind? 
Dark clouds of dusk
Emerges to choak,
Reminds those wounds,
Left behind
Person looking at me
From the mirror
Paralyse me with
The sense of horror
I try to hide those feelings
That are deadly yet beautiful
Who only feel for me
Can make this feeling meaningful.
Feelings are demons 
that I kept inside
I don’t know why
I prefer it to hide,
Feelings are butterflies 
In my stomach
Life is swinging,
In a hammock
In the crowd
I am always alone –
My feelings are bottled up
In my soul.

Visuals by Different Truths

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Soma Bhowmik

Soma Bhowmik wears many hats. She is attached with the creative world as an artist. Her subject is oil painting on canvas. She is an actress and an educationist, running her own Montessori school. Above all she has a golden heart, which gets reflected from her writings as a poet and storyteller.

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