Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a scientific study of the fingerprint of human beings. Soma reports on the new findings, exclusively for Different Truths.
Dermatoglyphics (from ancient Greek derma = ‘skin’, glyph = ‘carving’) is the scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint analysis, even though the process of fingerprint identification had already been in use for several hundred years. Since the 1920s, Dermatoglyphics has been studied in the medical field, especially in relation to genetically linked diseases. Dr. Gardner has implemented the Multiple Intelligence Theory in the field of education. The study has an absolutely scientific basis, with 200 years of research. It is analysed and proven with evidence in anthropology, genetics, medicine and statistics.
Since the 1920s, Dermatoglyphics has been studied in the medical field, especially in relation to genetically linked diseases. Dr. Gardner has implemented the Multiple Intelligence Theory in the field of education. The study has an absolutely scientific basis, with 200 years of research. It is analysed and proven with evidence in anthropology, genetics, medicine and statistics.
Medical science has already confirmed that during the growth of the foetus within the mother’s womb from the 13th – 19th week, fingerprints are formed simultaneously with the development of the brain. From the anatomical point of view, human hands dominate all other organs in terms of relative importance. Therefore, the brain dedicates the majority of approximately two hundred million nerve endings to the hands. In other words, the hands are sources of physiological and psychological information waiting to be tapped; hence the increasing importance in the field of Dermatoglyphics. It is closely related to the infant’s brain development. The distribution of prints is considered to represent brain cells’ proportion and distribution in each of the brain lobes. The study of Dermatoglyphics has fascinated researchers since the first work done by Purkinje in 1823. Canadian neurosurgeon Prof Banfill (Dr Penfield) published, “Body of all parts of the brain associated with the cross-section map,” also shows a finger Dermatoglyphics and close association with the brain.
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a scientific study of the fingerprint of human beings. This concept is a combination of research on Dermatoglyphics, Multiple Intelligence Theory of Dr. Howard Gardner (Prof. of Harvard University) and Biometric Technology. DMIT reveals Brain dominance features, inborn talent & potentials, Assessment of Multiple intelligence, innate quotients, inborn learning style, inborn thinking type, inborn personal characteristics and strength and weakness of human beings.
Why Does DMIT Need to be Done?
Parents are trying to teach their child many activities. They want to see their child as a topper in all fields, but that child can’t fulfil their parents’ dreams. Many students are struggling for a proper career after completing their study, they are confused. Parents are worried for their children. Children are trying to oppose their parents. Maximum people are not actually happy with their job.

Students often choose their educational stream/subject according to parents’ pressure, not as per their inborn talent or intelligence. They do not follow the actual method of study, which they should do. Therefore, we can see the maximum number of students with average marks and few toppers. Parents are trying to teach their child many activities. They want to see their child as a topper in all fields, but that child can’t fulfil their parents’ dreams. Many students are struggling for a proper career after completing their study, they are confused. Parents are worried about their children. Children are trying to oppose their parents. Maximum people are not actually happy with their job. Relationship compatibility is now a big problem in our society. Relations are breaking frequently. Misunderstanding and lack of adjustment are now common phenomena. People are now victims of confusion, stress, frustration and depression.
Maximum people are not aware or familiar with their talent, potentials and capacity and Maximum people take the wrong way. You can solve all these problems by the following benefits of DMIT
• Our report helps to understand one’s psychology.
• Through our report you can understand one’s learning pattern.
• You will be able to know about your strength and weakness.
• It helps you to choose the proper way towards your career.
• By this report you can identify one’s unique talent and expertise, which help towards further development.
• It helps to understand hidden inborn abilities which will help you to guide you for upcoming future.
• This test helps you to understand the balancing level of your left and right brain.
• Through this report you will be able to understand which areas of your brain are under or over utilised.
• This report helps you to feed your brain.
• For corporate — It helps the core management to know their employee’s talents and inborn characteristics to understand and select the better one.
• DMIT report helps you to reduce the negative elements.
• It helps you to increase the power of your communication skills with family and the people.
• Through our report and remedies suggested, you will be able to overcome your weak areas.
So briefly, after understanding the above parameters of any person, a report can help at any stage of life like, learning, career selection, execution, understanding, relationship and personal growth.
What Happens if you Don’t go for DMIT for your child?
The benefits of DMIT can help a child to become successful in life. You can get all information regarding inborn talent, potentials & characteristics of your child and DMIT report helps you a lot to guide your child in a proper way from an early stage of life.
The benefits of DMIT can help a child to become successful in life. You can get all information regarding inborn talent, potentials & characteristics of your child and the DMIT report helps you a lot to guide your child in a proper way from an early stage of life.
But when you are not agreeing to go for DMIT then actually you are trying to:
1. Apply trial & error method or experimental method by engaging him/her with different type of activities.
2. Give pressure to be top in every subject or activities.
3. Give pressure in an aggressive way.
4. Compare your child with others.
5. Spend a lot of money for irrelevant purposes.
6. Avoid the state when your child loses a lot of energy for irrelevant activities.
7. Avoid understanding your child’s interest.
8. Waste many years to understand your child.
9. Apply predetermined predictions or your unsuccessful dream on your child.
10. Avoid understanding the capacity to handle pressure of your child
Finally, if your child can’t reach to top despite applying all these processes, then you try to blame your child or think he/she is not talented at all. So, if you don’t want to go for DMIT please avoid these 10 steps.
Is Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) Based on Scientific or Medical Premise?
Dermatoglyphics is based on many scientists; medical scientists of ‘Genetics’, ‘Embryology’, ‘Dermatoglyphics’, ‘Brain Science’ and other science-based, and the use of observation, recording, contrast, inductive learning methods, and then coupled with clinical experience, and finally concluded that: from the striate we can accurately analyse the child’s multiple intelligences and potential personality.

Both. Dermatoglyphics is based on many scientists; medical scientists of ‘Genetics’, ‘Embryology’, ‘Dermatoglyphics’, ‘Brain Science’ and other science-based, and the use of observation, recording, contrast, inductive learning methods, and then coupled with clinical experience, and finally concluded that: from the striate, we can accurately analyse the child’s multiple intelligences and potential personality. There is so much scientific evidence and research which prove that different parts of the human brain are responsible for different types of human activity and quality of functional capacity depends on neuron distribution in the brain, besides that fingerprint and brain has co-relation between them.
Is Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) Like Astrology?
No. The Dermatoglyphics tests are based on the most novel scientific, medical research, as a root. Dermatoglyphics tests refers to the growth in human hands, ridges on the soles of the feet, which is constant the whole lifetime; and palm readers are targeted at handheld staff recessed lines which are subject to change from time to time.
Is Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (D M I T) Like IQ Test?
Dermatoglyphics test is not an IQ test. DMIT is broadly defined definition of varied tests of multiple intelligences that include logical and mathematical intelligence, body – kinaesthetic intelligence, linguistic intelligence, spatial intelligence, body, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and last but not the least naturalist intelligence, which is included in the eight intelligences.
Dermatoglyphics test is not an IQ test. DMIT is broadly defined definition of varied tests of multiple intelligences that include logical and mathematical intelligence, body – kinaesthetic intelligence, linguistic intelligence, spatial intelligence, body, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and last but not the least naturalist intelligence, which is included in the eight intelligences. IQ test is a simple test which takes into consideration only logical and mathematical intelligence test. It is not possible to know about total innate information or inborn intelligence only by IQ test.
Which is the Best Time to do DMIT for Anyone?
DMIT Test can be done for anyone at any age, best time for DMIT is childhood (Age 1 -4) step. If you understand your children’s functional capacity of brain, inborn talent, characteristics, innate quotients, inborn thinking type and learning style at a very early stage of their life then you can guide them in a proper way. It will be a best gift to them which leads them to a successful & happy life.
Can Anyone go for DMIT at Any Age?
Yes, anybody can go for the DMIT test because it helps people of different ages in a different way.
Yes, anybody can go for the DMIT test because it helps people of different age in a different way.
For Toddlers: Age 1 – 4: From birth through about age 3 there are vast numbers of connections and collections being recorded in the brain. DMIT report helps you to know a toddler’s potentials at an early age help parents make decisions on parenting styles and educational methods and it also help them to choose the right school & right directions for the little ones. This is the time when you can alter their inborn intelligences and improve the weaker intelligences.
• Understand your child’s natural character traits
• Identify best learning style for him/her
• Identify his/her innate talents and weaknesses
• Tailor-make your child’s learning programs
• Improved relationship between parents and kids

For Children / Student: Age 5 – 12: From age three through twelve the brain begins to prune the excessive synapses to get organised and eliminate what is not necessary. At this age, Children are curious to learn, and they can absorb more than they will when they grow older. Discovering their learning styles and areas of intelligences at this age gives a clue on what courses and activities they should spend more time on.
• Subject and educational stream selection
• Reduce time, money, effort wasted
• Use the right parenting/teaching method
• Develop children’s confidence
• A stress-free childhood for children
For Teenagers & Young Adults: Age 12 – 25: The teenage years consist of more aggressive pruning as the brain begins to specialise and build an identity. Discovering learning styles at this age can better enhance one’s learning experience. It also serves as a guideline on what type of courses one should take. This is the stage where you can decide about your careers.
For Adults: Age 25+ and above: From age three through twelve the brain begins to prune the excessive synapses to get organised and eliminate what is not necessary. At this age, Children are curious to learn, and they can absorb more than they will when they grow older. Discovering their learning styles and areas of intelligence at this age gives a clue on what courses and activities they should spend more time on.
• Understand your natural character traits
• Discover your own abilities and choose right career
• Identify and develop your core competencies.
• Identify suitable learning and leadership styles.
• Rekindle passion for living and revive dreams
• Invest wisely in suitable self-development programs
• Plan to achieve your goals
• Improve the relationship with your loved ones.
• Understand your partner’s Personality traits
• Reorganize your loved one’s communication
• Develop understanding & communication
For School / Coaching Centre:
• Understand your student’s natural character traits.
• Identify student’s innate talents and weaknesses.
• Tailor-make your learning programs & methods.
•. Classroom division as per student’s sensitivity.
For Corporate Sector:
• Find the right person for the right job.
• Pre-employment screening.
• Entrust your employee who has the most potential.
• Discover employees’ potentials
• Create an all-star workforce.
• Reorganize your workforce for better performance.
• HR training and development.
• Evaluate your managers’ performances
Pre/Post Marriage:
We introduce a special type DMIT &and Counselling. You can get a better and happy married life for lifetime.
• Improve the relationship with your loved ones.
• Understand your partner’s Personality traits, Values
• Reorganize your loved one’s character.
• Develop understanding and comfort communication.
Can a Successful Person get Benefit from DMIT?
Yes. A man is successful in his professional life and lead a happy family life also can be benefited by DMIT. DMIT will help him to make his life much better, happy and stress free.
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I would like to know more about dermatoglyphics.
How it helps to identify children’s interests.