Madhu’s poem explores the complex relationship between life and death, highlighting the complexities of medical interventions and technology, exclusively for Different Truths.
Blood trickled down the nose mouth twisted by forced tubes Intubated extubated to keep a wasting body alive Machine breathing body energised by aggressive meds stressed out resisting invasions of science A painful dilemma dwindling between to be or not to be Tortuous, cruel to see or think Body becomes a minting machine Loved ones torn by guilt as they see their good intentions turn sour and angels turn devils Processes work on a body that is beyond the point of return The automated wheel stops when money no longer oils its spokes Dawn breaks the horrible night brings life back on nature's track Life has to leave at some point reality of mortal birth Exhausted heart takes rest Death relieves all pain a much-awaited death wished against an artificial and painful life that could keep the pendulum swaying between breath and death O nature O death thank you for your timely intervention to smash all illusions of hope of intentions and bare the gritting teeth of all lies!
Picture design by Anumita Roy