Deeya’s poem explores love’s complexities in winter, highlighting comfort, warmth, harsh realities, longing for sunshine and renewed connection, exclusively for Different Truths.
Mittens keep us warm in winter like the embrace of a friend long lost, of the sudden joy it creates in the heart of a dear one. The fireside keeps warm like a baby nestled in its mother’s womb safe, waiting to see the light of the day, so welcome. Winters are like shifting paradigms in love Here, dreams wither, as fishes in the hot sun, devoid of its freshness, emitting a smell to tingle our nostrils with its offensiveness. But when winter snows, like heaps of cotton piled up, speaks in a crisp tongue, quite different in its beauty and warmth it creates a certain longing in the heart to mingle with the sun.
Picture design by Anumita Roy