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Three Ways to Keep Yourself Happy When You are Alone

Happiness is just a state of mind. No matter where you are, no matter what you do, you should be happy with that. Even if you are alone, you should make the best use of your time and keep yourself happy, says Ritambhara, suggesting three ways to be happy, in the weekly column, exclusively for Different Truths.

Happiness is a virtue. It is a state of mind. This is the very reason why under identical situations, the degree of happiness varies from person to person. We all are born alone and we shall leave the world all alone. In between, we search for things and people to keep us preoccupied and make ourselves happy. Nevertheless, happiness, as per me, is just a state of mind. No matter where you are, no matter what you do, you should be happy with that. Even if you are alone, you should make the best use of your time and keep yourself happy. Everybody has their time zone. We are here for our share of limited time to spend on this mother earth. Let us enjoy every moment, no matter what may come. When you are alone thousands of ideas pop up in your mind. This is the time when you have ample amount of time to be with yourself. Just cherish each moment because time shall pass anyhow regardless of whether you crib for what you are undergoing or make the best use of your time. Of course, the choice is yours. Here are three ways how you can keep yourselves happy when you are alone.

Be thankful for what you have and strive for what you want

 From gratitude to bliss should be your norm. Begin your day by counting your blessings. Just be thankful for every little thing you have. Never forget, what is worthless for you today is the dream of millions on this earth. Try to share that with the less privileged ones, what you have surplus with you. It is human nature to crave for more. There’s nothing wrong in it. Try to set goals and achieve.

Get rid of all the mess in your life

Every little thing that bothers you should be shunned away with. Clear out the mess in your life; be it in relations, career or goals. Clinging to things that no longer serve any purpose in life is no good idea. It’s your life and you have all the right to keep good things.

Pursue your passion

When you are alone, you have plenty of time to be with yourself and your ideas. It is the right time to pursue your passion of reading, writing, cooking, gardening, etc. Your hobbies offer the best merriment one can think of. Pour out your heart in whatever you are doing. Your creativity is reflected in your solace.

©Ritambhara Kumari Upadhyay

Photos from the Internet

#Happiness #HappyYetAlone #TobeHappy #HappinessNotLoneliness #Solace #Passion #ThreeQuestions #DifferentTruths

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Ritambhara K Upadhyay
A Panjab University, IIT- Roorkee, and IIRS-ISRO alumnus, academician, and researcher, Ritambhara is a writer by choice. Her passion for reading and writing has impelled her to foray into the world of writing. As a freelance writer and editor, she loves to pen-down whatever comes to her mind. She staunchly believes, "Truth doesn't admit any impediments."
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