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Three Incidents, One Cause: Deaths to Liberate Tibet

Eswar tells us about the supreme sacrifice of Tibetan people to liberate their land. For the first time in the history of Mankind, a Nobel Prize winner died in custody. Read more in the regular column, exclusively in Different Truths.

The last three weeks were filled with emotions. Emotions that were not let out, but emotions contained would burst if not let out. Three incidents, three places, but the main issue remains the same.

  1. It’s for the first time in the history of mankind that a Nobel Prize winner died in custody. Liu Xiaobo, a democracy campaigner, was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 ‘for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China’. During the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, he had helped in preventing a larger scale bloodshed by negotiating with the student leaders and the army commander[1]. Detained a couple of times between 1989 and 2008, for ‘inciting counter-revolution’ and for involving in democracy and human rights movements, he wassent to ‘three years re-education through labour’ in 1996 for ‘disturbing social order’. This was a time when he married Liu Xia, the only person whom he was able to meet from the world outside prison, and who was a link with the outside world. But not long before he was arrested again in 2008 December for ‘suspicion of the subversion of state authority’. He died a prisoner on 13 July 2017. In 2008, coinciding with the 60th year of adoption of United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, he actively participated in the writing of ‘Charter 08’, calling for freedom of expression, human rights and democratic elections – a cause he died fighting for. He secured more than 300 signatures and by 2010 the charter collected over 10,000 signatures.  “I realise my entire youth and early writings had all been nurtured in hatred, violence, and arrogance, or lies, cynicism, and sarcasm. I knew at that time that Mao-style thinking and Cultural Revolution-style language had become ingrained in me, and my goal had been to transform myself […]. It may take me a lifetime to get rid of the poison”[2]
  2. Last year March I was shocked and saddened by the self-immolation of Dorjee Tsering, a 16-year-old young martyr from Mussoorie. On July 22, 2017, a 19-year-old Tenzin Choeying became another young martyr for the cause after fighting a 10-day battle with life after immolating himself. He had written a note before the ultimate sacrifice “Please don’t cry. Tell everyone that my body is for Tibet”. He had set himself on fire in the corridors of the Central University for Tibetan Studies, Varanasi on 14 July 2017. He was one of the volunteers during the 2017 Kalachakra in Bodh Gaya. He sacrificed himself for the freedom of Tibet. He kept saying ‘Bö Gyal lo’, meaning victory to Tibet.[3]
  3. Two days back, I read about another incident. On 29th July 2017 charred remains of a youth were found in Dharamshala. The charred remains are believed to be that of a Tibetan youth. A red bag with a Tibetan National Flag was also found on the site. There is no information till date about who it could be.
©Eswar Anandan

Photos sourced by the Author.

[2] Caraus, Tamara; Parvu, Camil Alexandru. Cosmopolitanism and the Legacies of Dissent. pp. 69–70.

[3] Facebook post – Tenzin Tsundue

#TibetanRights #NobelPrizeWinner #DieInCustody #LiuXiaobo #Emotions #DifferentTruths

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Eswar Anandan
Eswar Anandan’s mother's traverse with Cancer opened his eyes and thoughts about the life outside the glass cubicles. In his own words: "Strong emotions gave way to words, words took poetic form, and I found a new purpose..." His first book, 'Seasons' is a dedication to her. He is currently working on ‘Thoughts in Silence’ and ‘Story of a Nation’. Eswar is an entrepreneur and Friends of Tibet Campaigner.

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