[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sushmita delves into the layers of meanings of two words, subsequent and consequent. A Different Truths exclusive.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]

Frequent are the realisations, laced with amazement and filled with revered joy: how a word, singular, holds in its bosom many more words, as it “contains and leads to” the corresponding experiences and hence implications, all consequent to the incessant change in motion that life is!

The dictionary could be telling something, while the diction of our experiences dictates our expressions to the otherwise, each telling the truth, even if not in agreement with one another. After all, everything is relative, consequent to and an expression of the all-pervasive relativity that rules and forms the life on this physical plane. And relativity, its all-pervading nature — invading everything as the fabric of everything, and which none and nothing can evade or shed — is committed to lead us to see it for what it is, to see through it, seeing the flexibility, goading and guiding us to find and realise, revere and relish the infinite potential, in everything, in every moment, free from all sorts of predictions, bereft of the pre-dictions of conditioned thinking… finding thus the invisible in the visible, the visible leading to much more than the seen.

Such is the grace, experienced, subsequent and consequent to the revelation that subsequent is the consequent. Yes, these are two words, enjoying their deserved individuality and hence, place and position in the dictionary. Yet, are these two words in one – are they one word, diverged?


Such is the grace, experienced, subsequent and consequent to the revelation that subsequent is the consequent.


The revelation flashes and whispers, “That, which is consequent, is the subsequent unfurled. As a consequence and the consequent, the subsequent transpires in subsequence!”

The sequence, the order is ever perfect. And hence, the “sub” and “con” come up from the subconscious, in cahoots and conjoined with “sequent,” presenting and affirming their unity and harmony, their singularity, once again through the plurality, reflecting the play of life, the apparent plurality a manifestation of the infinite singularity which is committed in its purpose and devotion to lead to itself, weaving and treading through the pluralities, working through the maze amazing, albeit many a time exasperating when unaware of the scheme of things in life and hence when life seems to be scheming against us, the diversity consequent (well, subsequent!) to the infinite singularity’s decision to experience and express itself, and thus realise itself, through the infinite plurality!

The sequence of life is thus sequined with the events and moments, emphasising, affirming and leading to the realisation that the process that life is, is as singular as plural it is, the suffixes and prefixes perfectly in place, yet, denying and defying all fixity, as life thrives, the infinite singularity realises itself, breaking all the fetters of conventions and barriers superficial… subsequent and consequent to which, the realising and realised individual acknowledges that it is the consequence of the unconditional love and humility of the source, which so unfurls in subsequence, and unceasingly, whereby logic of the mind meets with transcendence of all its assumptions and presumptions, suppositions and presuppositions, impositions and expositions, expectations and anticipations, imaginations and visualisations, plans and programmes, the manifested and manifesting way beyond all such predictions, the diction, and dictionary belonging to life beyond the physical and mental.


The sequence of life is thus sequined with the events and moments, emphasising, affirming and leading to the realisation that the process that life is, is as singular as a plural it is…


Thus frequent, and finally, ensured is the constant acknowledgment: of the divine consequences, consequent and subsequent to such deliverances, seen in every moment, and not just frequent and so expands the lexicon too, incubating the singularity, and yet, honoring the plurality of individuality, honoring the individuality and hence, the plurality, all, consequent and hence subsequent to and as the acknowledgment of the infinite singularity expressing and expressed as infinite plurality.

Through the relative, the absolute is realised; through the individual, the whole is realised; and yet, the awareness and acceptance of, commitment to and reverence for the whole, the infinite singular, ensures the respect for the individual, for the finite singular, as well as for the finite plural and infinitely plural life physical.

This is how life unfurls, and hence, consequent to the understanding, this subsequent, to unfurls: The subsequent, is the consequent! That, which is consequent, is the subsequent unfurled. As a consequence, and the consequent, the subsequent transpires in subsequence!

We might have been using and may continue to employ the words “consequent” and “subsequent” as mutually exclusive, but that they are mutually inclusive, concurrent, co-existing, they have quaintly revealed… seeking or demanding no acceptance, resting satisfied in and through their self-revelation and self-expression!


©Sushmita Mukherjee

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Sushmita Mukherjee

Sushmita Mukherjee is a writer and a freelance editor. Before entering the arena of writing, she taught Organic Chemistry in Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata for close to eight and half years. She resigned from college in August 2012. Writing always has been her passion, and in due course, it has been realised and embraced as more than passion: calling. She has edited fifteen books and one movie script as well.

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