
The Struggle for Justice

Concetta’s concern for justice draws our attention to various kinds of wars. She pens a Haibun, a Japanese form that combines prose and haiku, focussing on environmental issues. An exclusive for Different Truths. 

Myriad forms of war exist – wars against terrorism and territories; air versus ground battles; wars against poverty, homelessness, and police brutality; and, not least, the war against climate change. Can there ever be justice?

Wars to name a few 
Hurt, kill, strangle, causing 
Suffering to life

Earth is a sacred place with water its most inviolable right, available to all people regardless of place, creed, colour, religious beliefs, or status.  Water is the necessity for the functioning of all life forms that exist on earth. 

Earth is a sacred place with water its most inviolable right…

Water clear fresh pure
Exists to feed nature's life
Staying beautiful 

The People v. The Keystone XL Pipeline is the story of how, in early 2021, Canadian and US land defenders and organisations successfully stopped the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. From a small group of people to forming unlikely alliances and gaining global attention, the power of the people prevailed.

Corporate excess
Cares not for preservation 
Generations hurt 

People together 
Guarantee water safety 
Watershed preserved 

Many of the various threats were underpinned by water security.

Many of the various threats were underpinned by water security. The increasing vulnerability of watersheds to the risk of spill brought indigenous, non-indigenous and climate organisation groups to fight together for a common purpose of protecting their lands from devastating environmental destruction, creating a turning point in environmental activism history.

People take action 
Accomplish heroic acts 
Mankind benefits 

Questions still exist 
Will it last forever or not 
Victory briefly

Picture design by Anumita Roy, Different Truths

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Concetta Pipia
Concetta Pipia is retired from environmental design, law, and business. She turned to writing and founded the Aspiring Writers’ Society and its e-zine, the AWS e-zine, where she is co-editor. Her poetry has been published in various anthologies, including “Expressions on War,” “Purush Anthology,” “Poetry on a Plate with Spicy Mango,” etc., and e-literary magazines, including “Different Truths.” Concetta is a certified well-life coach who loves horticulture and dogs.

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