In a ballad of love, Sarala, tells us of childhood love and growing old together, exclusively for Different Truths.
They grew together for years
Married at sixteen
Playing hide and seek
With comic books in hands
Seeing Tom and Jerry together
Then few years later came the pregnancy
Delivered twins to their surprise
Brought them up well
They found their partners
And made their love nests
The old couple felt an
Empty nest syndrome
Fought often
Made up quickly with a kiss
Their hair now silvery grey
With few teeth left in mouth
Making pish-pash for lunch and dinner
With some fries to munch
Their love is eternal
They go for walks with walking sticks holding hands
All admired them for their
Zest for life!
How much ever they fought
It ended up in a sweet kiss in the end!
©Sarala Balachandran
Photo from the Internet