An inward-looking realisation makes Dr Sudipta believe that despite knowing the ultimate truth of death, we are blinded by our egos and greed for material gains – an exclusive for Different Truths.

Everyone knows that there will be a last moment! Still, we lust for absolute power.
We envy others. We boast for nothing. In that last moment, we will be so helpless. We will make an effort to live. But nobody will assist us. We will be alone. Our loved ones will of course try to drag us from the verge of death. But will they succeed in those fake endeavours?
No, no and a big no! Then why are we struggling to hoard many kinds of stuff in our lives? At the last moment, we will be abandoned by everyone! Nobody will accompany us. Since we know the fact again why do we crave for luxury? Even after encountering death so many times, we are greedily acquiring everything for our betterment. We are even creating a barrier like a wall outside our personality. That ego never allows us to think beyond our family. We only think of ourselves. In the graveyard, no one will follow us. We have to complete this awful journey alone. Then why do we make ourselves so attached to everyone?
Death is certain and life is an illusion.
We know everything. Then what happens to us at the time of thinking rationally about our death? Death is certain and life is an illusion. Without knowing the fragility of life, we always try to establish a primary bond with our immediate family. Then at the last moment of our lives, we long to live with them. We never ignite the inner light of our soul. We always find joy from outside. We never get to know the Universal Truth. Soul transmits from one core to another. It’s the ultimate truth. Instead of averting the last moment, we need to desire for that eternal moment. So that when death comes, we should embrace it happily.
Picture design by Anumita Roy, Different Truths
Much food for thought here!