Dr Lalit’s poem explores the impact of emotional distance and broken human connections, contrasting physical decline with the devastating consequences of neglect, exclusively for Different Truths.
Desertions in corporal agility follow
A due process of progression towards
The inevitable state of dying out of life
But erosions and evasions in emotional
Infrastructure arise out of failures in
Lack of wakeful anguish over variations
In mutual measures of expectations
And a series of frustrations to the heart.
It's easier to reconcile with regrets if you
Can't keep pace with young far enough
Or fail to jump over a wide trough, but not
A friend's regrets for his long silence and
Inability to contact you for over half a year.
Years get shorter as the days grow
Longer that you wait for the evening and
Fear the night that brings no rest in sleep.
Picture design by Anumita Roy
Wonderful idea expressed in befitting images!