
The Art of Moving On: A Heart Touching Saga

Sneha reviews The Art of Moving On, by Vedant, exclusively for Different Truths.

Author: Vedant Saxena

My Rating :☆☆☆☆

Some books are meant to read at least twice before you start writing your views of it. I read it twice this week but still, it took me two days to gather my thoughts.

Two things which came to my mind when I started reading this book, ‘Dark and RawWhen I was reading it, I felt like someone bared their soulall their inner insecurities, their weak points, their emotions are all there out in open.

First of all, I must commend the author for picking up such a sensitive issue for this book. Two things which came to my mind when I started reading this book, ‘Dark’ and ‘Raw’. When I was reading it, I felt like someone bared their soul, all their inner insecurities, their weak points, their emotions are all there out in open. But how nicely the author unravels the knots of every emotion, every aspect. You will feel like all the piece of the puzzle fitted together once you finish it.

If you are looking for your answers you will find them, if you are unaware of even your feelings you will become aware of them. Not only stories but the analysis of different aspects of depression are also there. It’s really helpful and comforting to read.

Not only stories but the analysis of different aspects of depression are also there. Its really helpful and comforting to read.

As I always say we need to talk about this topic, we need to make people aware of it.

This is a close to reality and heart touching book.

Photo sourced by the author

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Sneha Prakash Thakur
Sneha is an entrepreneur, teacher, feminist, literary critic, book reviewer, writer, culinarian, mother, wife and daughter. She is certified in Feminist Studies at IIT Madras and holds Master's degree in English Literature from IGNOU. She runs her online classes, and writes columns and reviews for different websites and magazines. She writes stories, which are hugely admired. She is an avid reader.

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