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Tales from Srimad Bhagavatam: The Magical Flute – LVI

Nilanjana recounts the tale of Krishna’s magical flute from the Bhagavatam, in the weekly column, exclusively for Different Truths.

Parikshit asked, “If bhakti (devotion) is the road to moksha (liberation), then Krishna’s contemporaries were all liberated?”

Sukha responded, “Some were definitely liberated. In fact, the simple cowherds were an epitome of devotion. Why the cowherds only? Even nature danced to Krishna’s flute!

“On the bank of river Yamuna, there was a grove called ‘Madhuvana’. Krishna often frequented this spot with his gang of friends. When he was masquerading with them, he often entertained everybody around. Nature was at her best in Madhuvana. The lotuses blooming in the lake added to the fragrance of the air. Trees were covered with flowers, the happy birds chirped and the bees kept hovering around.”

“Doesn’t this sound very idyllic?” Parikshit observed.

Sukha smiled, as if he was experiencing the beauty himself, “It sure does. And Krishna added to the charm of it. He took his flute and breathed music into it. The entire grove and beyond were intoxicated with this music. The peacocks began dancing, the trees swung happily and the cows left their fodder looking in the direction from where the music was flowing. All the animals were so mesmerized by the music that they stood still like a painted picture. 

“The music reached the gopis who were not far away. Immediately their regular gossip diminished and they started discussing about Krishna. They thought of his attractive visage, his charm and the many feats that kept him in the news all the time.

“They considered themselves really fortunate to be in such a charming company. He pre-occupied their thoughts and this way their devotion got them closer to the divine.”

Parikshit sighed, “Sages struggle for the divine company but these people had it so easy!”

Sukha said, “The depth and purity of devotion is the easiest way to be in divine company. Doesn’t a devotee offer flowers, fruits, and water to the divine? If that is so, the Govardhana hill was just doing that. It is the most fortunate hill since Krishna was present there all the time. The music of his flute embraced the hill and Krishna played around with his friends. He plucked flowers and fruits. He roamed around looking for the cows and indulged in merry making with his friends. More often than not, Krishna’s loving eyes rested on the hills of Govardhana.”

Parikshit was so enamoured by the stories that Sukha was narrating to him that he seemed to forget that death was fast approaching him. The curse of the wise cannot be ignored…

  [To be continued]

Footnote: Srimad Bhagavatam is often called the Bhagavad Purana. Authored by Ved Vyasa, the stories are about the various avatars(incarnations) of Lord Vishnu, also known as Narayana. These stories are narrated by Sukhadeva to King Parikshit.

©Nilanjana Dey

Photos from the Internet

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Nilanjana Dey
A story-teller at heart, Nilanjana Dey is on a journey to experiment with fiction and poetry. Her first novel, largely aimed towards children, is titled ‘The Adventures of Puti – The Cheese Trail’. Her poems have been published at various prestigious portals. An alumni of English Literature from Jadavpur University (Kolkata), she is a marketing and communication professional based in Mumbai. She volunteers with a Mumbai based NGO working with the marginalised sections of the society.

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