Getting up on the Inside

We profile ordinary women with extraordinary strength. They find the reservoir of strength within themselves, like Yashodhara. Every year, the Women’s Day becomes a cosmetic celebration of already known...

The Bright Light of Knowledge

Vatsala tells us about a learned Vedic priest of the Arya Samaj, modelled on her maternal grandfather, Pandit Harikrishna Beeharee, whom she dedicates this short story to. The protagonist illuminates the...
  • November 9, 2023
  • Sudeshna Mukherjee

Her World

Here’s a fantasy poem, bordering on nonsense verse, for children, by Sudeshna, for Different Truths. She would often find herself Battling gnomes and funny elves She would battle with demons...
  • October 12, 2023
  • Sailasree Potay


A sense of belongingness keeps us rooted. Some people, though present physically in this world are absent mentally. They are the misfits, feels, Sailasree, in this verse, in Different...
  • August 6, 2022
  • Tapati Sinha

The Orchids

The beautiful patch of Orchids, in the neighbourhood of Neeta’s Hyderabad home, was mysterious. Rich women were vanishing. Here’s a short story by Tapati, that unfolds the mystery, exclusively in...