• December 14, 2017
  • Bushra Alvi Razzack

The Culprit

A powerful protest poem by Bushra. Here we see the poet as a Social Journalist, in Different Truths. My poem, The Culprit, was written when I was in the...

The Womb Mates

When the kids become parents themselves then only they discover their parents’ awesomeness. The mother-daughter bond strengthens when the daughter becomes a radiant expectant mother. She trusts her mother implicitly...
  • November 21, 2017
  • Kabir Deb

The World Today…

Kabir agonises about the meaninglessness of contemporary existence, giving us a slice of the urban life, in this verse, in Different Truths. More kisses, fewer conversations One truth is...
  • November 20, 2017
  • Arun Dash

Those Industrious Palms

Arun tells us about city life, in this verse, in Different Truths. The gush of light coming Through the window, The chirping of the birds, The bell of the...
  • November 16, 2017
  • Elsy Satheesan


An evocative poem about various aspects and attributes of life, by Elsy, in Different Truths. Two-in-one, bane and boon: this hyper sensitivity!   The bane is when even a...
  • November 11, 2017
  • Mamta Joshi

Sliver of Memories

An inward-looking, evocative verse by Mamta, in Different Truths.  She tells us that in this ephemeral, ever-changing world, something doesn’t change.  Like migratory birds I return home to the...
  • November 4, 2017
  • Manthena Damodara Chary

Homage to Mahatma

Manthena pays homage to Mahatma Gandhi, in this verse, in Different Truths. I never witnessed the great soul in person  Sensing his peace campaign in its version   Paying heed...