• February 8, 2017
  • Bruce Louis Dodson


Here’s a sensitive poem by Bruce that depicts a slice of life, in Different Truths. The poet presents a slice of life, where a father watches a daughter with pride, with...
  • December 31, 2016
  • Sunila Khemchandani

Inverse World!

Here’s a nonsense verse by Sunila, where everything is topsy-turvy. Head and legs change positions and the heart inverse the blood flow, for Different Truths. Imagine the heart to inverse...
  • December 25, 2016
  • Shalini Samuel

People Pleaser

This poem operates at several levels. It’s about a person and India’s future. Shalini asks us to treat him Gently, with loving care. This poem, in Different Truths, transcends...
  • December 22, 2016
  • Shalini Samuel

Oldest Pal (Palindrome Poem)

In this evocative verse, Shalini searches for the oldest pal, the comfort and joy of being with him, in Different Truths. the age old scroll unfolds itself, once again the...