• October 21, 2017
  • Elsy Satheesan

Churned in the Soul

An intense, inward looking poem by Elsy, in Different Truths. The ache that burnt into conscience grew into a blaze.   It was doused, but then the soul went...

Raagi, the Super Cereal

London-based Parna shares the virtuosity of Finger Millet or Raagi. Know more about the super cereal, exclusively in Different Truths. There is a lot of awareness among people these...
  • September 16, 2017
  • Anoucheka Gangabissoon

Woes of Yesterday

Anoucheka warns us of yesterday’s woes that’s past and is gone, in this evocative poem, in Different Truths. Yesterday’s woes should be left where they are In a reality...