• May 28, 2017
  • Aparajita Dutta

The Voice

A storm rages in a voice, dispelling tranquillity. Aparajita, the poet, seeks peace and harmony in her Muse. Here’s a poem that moves from despair to hope, in Different...
  • May 27, 2017
  • Anca Mihaela Bruma

We are the Children of Time

Here’s an intense poem by Anca, a lyric with epic proportions, in Different Truths. We are the Children of Time, our dew drops mirror our World, crossing the edges...
  • May 23, 2017
  • Soumya Mukherjee

Desperately Seeking Readers

Desperately seeking suggestions, humourist Soumya, a newbie blogger, seeks advice from the veterans, in the weekly column, exclusively in Different Truths. Dearest Sir or Madam, more likely the latter,...
  • May 22, 2017
  • Shameena Abdurahiman


Here’s a love poem by Shameena, in Different Truths. For there is none whom I have met To see what’s there I’ll never let When you touched within, I...