• June 19, 2018
  • Ayub Khawar

The Whore

An enigmatic and evocative poem by Ayub, exclusively for Different Truths.   This darkness Of the room why doesn’t become darker? Memories of the past flicker on the walls,...
  • June 18, 2018
  • Sarala Balachandran

Oh Woman!

A woman-centric and a protest poem by Sarala, exclusively for Different Truths. Your eyes  Vast Blue River  Full of sweet dreams! Your eyebrows  Arched like a soft bow! Your...
  • June 13, 2018
  • Sarala Balachandran

Break Those Shackles

A protest poem where there is liberation in death, where one breaks the shackles of caste and colour, by Sarala, exclusively for Different Truths. Oh! Let me break those shackles ...