I Got Your Back

Hong Kong is one of the safest places in the world, made so not just by the governing bodies, but by each and every citizen of this city. Law...
  • October 10, 2017
  • Carlos Luis

The Pronoun

An interesting and a thought-provoking poem by Carlos, in Different Truths. I, we, You, He, she, it, they, Oh, these pronouns!   Pronounce one that’s dangerous, You’ll fall prey....


Geethanjali weaves a string of stories and parables to invoke Sri Ganesha, in the special feature, in Different Truths वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ । निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ॥ Meaning:  1: I meditate on Sri Ganesha – Who...