First Crush

An interesting love story by Tribhawan, exclusively for Different Truths. He was 20 going on 21. Four letter word ‘love’ was taboo so far his conservative family was concerned. Eagle eyed...
  • January 18, 2018
  • Kabir Deb


Here’s an intense, enigmatic poem, by Kabir, that deals with the cruelty of the society, for Different Truths. The hell replenishes itself  Pleased by her evil desires as mirage ...
  • November 30, 2017
  • Kabir Deb

Fate of a Prostitute

An intense and powerful poem, with grotesque imagery, that depicts the life of a prostitute, by Kabir, in Different Truths, Every night haunts her  Even when she smiles seductively ...
  • November 14, 2017
  • Sarala Balachandran

Great Expectations

Sarala talks of her dreams of better India, in this poignant verse, in Different Truths. I have a dream  I have a dream  To see my motherland bloom  With...