Marx Was a Great Scholar in Mathematics, Linguistics
Perhaps very few Marxists and admirers of Marx know that Marx’s contributions were not at all limited to economics and politics. Mathematics apart, his notes, manuscripts, and correspondences cover...
Repo Rate Hike a Waste of Breath: RBI Could Have Adopted Less Cautionary Approach
The RBI Governor conveyed the picture of a robust Indian economy, surging ahead fast, with little spare capacity and demand rising on the back of bumper crop last season....
Marxism has to be Scientifically Applied in India
Karl Marx was a great scientific thinker, yet there are some pseudo-intellectuals who have distorted Marxism. They have written books to prove that Marxism is no more relevant in...
Dalit Political Scene is Changing Fast: BJP Launches Fire Fighting Drive, but to no Avail
The implications of the anti-Dalit violence need serious consideration. The youths have acquired a new vision and are aware of the importance of literacy and education, the standing of...
The Intersection between the World Famous Books and the Picture Books
Reading a picture book is the interests and pastimes of many modern people. In the picture book world, the pictures are used as its compositions and colours, to show...