• October 11, 2017
  • Kabir Deb


An intense poem by Kabir, in Different Truths. Can you slip off your tongue from the needles  That have stitched your respect?  I believe that everyone will say, ‘No’ ...
  • September 20, 2017
  • Elsy Satheesan

It is you

A poem by Elsy that celebrates the innocence of babies, in Different Truths. The tiny tot saw her snapshot at month three and cooed, ‘look, baby brother!’. Mom said,...
  • September 11, 2017
  • Kabir Deb

Phase Where Gauri Died

Here’s a tribute for Gauri Lankesh, in verse, by Kabir, in Different Truths. I am a pen  Many use me for pleasure  By writing on domestic islands Few use...