• March 21, 2017
  • Usha Sridhar

Yearning to Yawn

Here’s a brilliant nonsense verse by Usha, on World Poetry Day, about yawn, in Different Truths. When a yawn is out in the open It leads to a lot...
  • December 20, 2016
  • Maya Khandelwal

My World

As a poet, Maya, has the capacity to create a world that’s her own – away from the divisions and dissensions, the mundane existence. Here’s an evocative verse, in Different...
  • November 17, 2016
  • Elsy Satheesan

Pearl Figures

Various things in our lives are given that we cannot escape. Embedded in this reality, Elsy creates a magic with a lotus wand to get the poet’s perals, in this...