• July 23, 2016
  • Lopamudra Banerjee

Prinsep Ghat

Lopamudra presents a series of prose-poems or short vignettes in blank verse based on certain long-standing images of Kolkata, and the US. Here’s the second one of the series, ‘Prinsep Ghat’, exclusively for...
  • July 22, 2016
  • Tatjana Debeljacki

Pity Destroys Good People

In this poem, Tatjana transcends from the mundane, the everyday affair of people and society into the world of creations, of literature. Maybe everything is possible? What are the wrinkles,...
  • May 30, 2016
  • Duska Vrhovac

There are People

Duska’s intense and evocative poem of many people around us. There are people you don’t have to talk to understand them. You don’t have to see them regularly send...