Devi in Dilemma

Here’s a tongue-in-cheek account of the plight of Goddess Durga, on Earth, her parents’ abode, in verse, by Tapati, in Different Truths. Here arrives autumn with sky, a deep...

In Reverence

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुर्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।गुरुरेव परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥१॥Gurur-Brahmaa Gurur-Vissnnur-Gururdevo Maheshvarah |Gurureva Param Brahma Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||1|| Here’s an inspiring tribute to all teachers by Shernaz, as part of the special feature. She talks about exemplary...
  • July 29, 2017
  • Madhumita Ghosh

The Music Room

Here’s an enigmatic and eerie ghost story, by Madhumita, exclusively for Different Truths. There were days and there were nights, one rolling into the other, fading, mingling and engulfing each...