• May 31, 2016
  • Duska Vrhovac

To Find my own Word

Duska tries to find her own word, her own voice, as all poets and writers do in this verse. Countless poets have already told          ...


Here’s a short story by Maya for Different Truths. She looked substantially fine but for the over-ripened complexion and a little rowdiness in all her movements that perhaps she got...
  • March 28, 2016
  • Mamta Joshi

A Platter of Disquiet

An evocative poem by Mamta, where she unmasks fears and appearances. Series of events Not necessarily pleasant ones Caustic and disdainful darts Thrown with practiced ease Yet we coat...
  • January 13, 2016
  • Rebeqa Rivers

Music is my Saviour!

Rebeqa tells us how music saved her life. It’s not enough to be saved once the need is to be ‘reSaved’ each day by hope, love, and music. Here’s a...

Two Dark Poems

Different Truths introduces poems from this issue. Ratan pens two dark poems that deal with hatred, violence and deaths, unleashing untold miseries that men in the supreme ignorance bring...