• February 23, 2016
  • Farhaa Naz

Being With You…

Farha imagines that she is with her lover (read husband), lost in the dewy beauty of morning. Here’s a dreamy love poem from Roses and Rhymes, a collection of Love...

Quiet Flows the Falgu

Love has many shades and hues. Mamoni, a 12-year girl, who never knew what marriage was chose to remain a widow, devoted to the husband she never lived a day with....
  • December 20, 2015
  • Anita Parikh

Tamasha: To Love…

Anita reviews Tamasha. Life does not begin when you find love; it begins when you find yourself. To begin a movie of passion in the second act, sustain its tempo...
  • December 11, 2015
  • Ampat Varghese Koshy

Today, I Finally Found You

Ampat’s poem celebrates the immense power of love. His lyrical poem with epic sensibility, moves from the sensual to the social selves. Today I finally found you in between...

The Card Players

A renowned writer, Santosh vividly depicts a scene of a street corner in urban India. She presents a slice of vibrant throbbing life in paroxysm of emotions. In a surprise...

Two Dark Poems

Different Truths introduces poems from this issue. Ratan pens two dark poems that deal with hatred, violence and deaths, unleashing untold miseries that men in the supreme ignorance bring...