Smitten Atul!

Love means different things to different people. Some like Atul can lay their lives too. Arindam reminisces a real life incident, many moons ago. We were newbie in the Allahabad...
  • March 16, 2016
  • Smita Agarwal

Beggary in Bhatiyali

Smita, a trained singer, blends music with poetic sensibility. She celebrates mysticism. ta nana tantanatan tantanatan tantanatan ta nana tan tanatan ta nana tantanatan tantanatan tantanatan ta nana tan...
  • February 27, 2016
  • Ampat Varghese Koshy

You are my Country

Claims and counter-claims have muddled the distinction between patriots and anti-nationals. In the wake of the JNU controversy, allegations are flowing thick and fast. Here’s a poem by a citizen-poet, Dr...