The Gap

In this women-centric short story, Maya shows the generation gap between daughter-in- law and mother-on- law. How they are from different worlds, different times. The resolution is heart-warming. She has her...

Mothers and Beloveds

Lily talks of the real, flesh-and- blood mother, not the flat, cardboard-like sentimental mother, depicted in films and songs. We fight the most with our mothers because we love her...
  • May 7, 2016
  • Ipsita Ganguli


Here’s a jugalbandi in two poems by Ritamvara (as daughter) and Ipsita (as mother). They have been composing poems in sync with each other. Here are two poems by two...
  • April 29, 2016
  • Padmini Sharma

Baseless Fallacies

Is life an illusion Are love and friendship delusional? Padmini asks a few hard questions in this verse. Love is nothing but a silly fabrication Fostered for generation after generation...
  • April 24, 2016
  • The Significant League

Anthology of Nonsense Verse

The Significant League (TSL) and Different Truths (DT) together offer nonsense verse, 73 limericks, and nine other poems, one be each poet, featuring 82 poets. This anthology of the TSL has...