The Fireflies Festival

Ever imagined what it would be like to watch a million twinkling stars in the open sky above your head? Add a dash of a spectacular light show orchestrated by...
  • June 17, 2016
  • Sushmita Gupta

Blessing my Dad

Sushmita pays her homage to her father on Father’s Day. They say, Some light from the lamp, And, Some sound from, Chanting of scriptures, Is all, And only, What...
  • June 8, 2016
  • Ipsita Ganguli

A Sandy Grey City

Ipsita sees her city in different colours, various moods, in this surreal verse. This city of mine Smelt a sandy grey today Dusty, A storm in its eye, A...

Blissful Solitude!

Lily talks of the blissful solitude and the cacophony that shackles us. We might be lonely in a room full of people. Here’s her wonderful discourse. “In a soulmate, we find not...
  • June 2, 2016
  • Urooj Murtaza

Sisterhood Beyond Borders-II

Urooj and Ipsita found each other through poetry and discovered a deep bond, an inexplicable affinity and affection resulting in a beautiful bond beyond borders. They came together in sisterhood, melting geographical...
  • May 31, 2016
  • Duska Vrhovac

To Find my own Word

Duska tries to find her own word, her own voice, as all poets and writers do in this verse. Countless poets have already told          ...
  • May 30, 2016
  • Bruce Louis Dodson


Bruce addresses a pertinent social issue in the poem. Our enemy is faster Without doubts and Unencumbered by the cloth of ethics Without mercy Wearing skins of every race...