• March 27, 2023
  • Aishwarya Damodar

Worlds Apart…

There are the tussle and turmoil between the mundane and the noble worlds, in Aishwarya’s verse, in Different Truths. En route this journey of life... through the concrete jungle,...
  • March 16, 2023
  • Nanditaa Bannerjee

Not the Last Meeting

Nandita is in conversation with a loved person, in an evocative poem, for Different Truths. ‘This is not the last meeting’ Goes the lyrics of a song At every...
  • February 28, 2023
  • Sarala Balachandran

How Was Your Day?

A love poem by Sarala, for Different Truths. How was your day my love? He asked as she returned from the office She smiled She chuckled She giggled She...
  • December 7, 2022
  • Ananta Kumar Singh

A Glimpse of Love

A poignant love poem, by Ananta, exclusively for Different Truths. Love at first sight Why are you Quiet? Agony and coyness in your eye Utterance of shy Love at...
  • December 5, 2022
  • Sushmita Gupta

Breathing Underwater

An evocative love poem by Sushmita. It was forbidden, To fall in love, With you. I belonged, To another. But that, Sunday afternoon, When, The sun was mild, The...