Geet: Rooted in the Tradition of Epic
Geet is a modern lyrical epic. What is very important to Anand’s epic is that he has picked up a subject for his epic, which is quite relevant to a...
The Driftwood Portrays the Trauma and Graciousness of Braided in Life
The Driftwood is a sensitive portrayal of the trauma the Joshi family undergoes while carrying on with the mundane task of day-to-day living burying deep the memories of an...
Status of Childescents in India Worrying, says CRY Report
The report coming out on the World Population Day, last week, highlights that there are nearly a 100million childescents between 15 and 18 years in India, and this huge population...
Matching up to England and Bowling out the Raj
With the current India-England series on, Soumya recounts the life and times of his grandfather, a civil servant of the Raj, and his glee when India defeated England in...