• January 4, 2018
  • Sarala Balachandran

Her Shattered Dreams

An evocative woman-centric poem by Sarala that exposes the brutality of traditions, the patriarchal system, for Different Truths. She dreamt of a Beautiful life But all she got was...
  • December 31, 2017
  • Geethanjali Dilip

Silver Cloud

Geethanjali Dilip revisits the year 2017, in this evocative prose-poem, as part of the Special Feature, exclusively for Different Truths. Feet move forward much like time. So do days,...

The Womb Mates

When the kids become parents themselves then only they discover their parents’ awesomeness. The mother-daughter bond strengthens when the daughter becomes a radiant expectant mother. She trusts her mother implicitly...