• February 19, 2018
  • Dr. Amrinder Kaur Bajaj

Stop the Jingoism about Holy Cow!

Before the gaurakhshaks cruelly lynch or hang another human being, let’s ask them to pause and ponder. Pause to ask one question, “How do they and their pious Hindu brothers look after their gau...
  • February 5, 2018
  • Devesh Chandra Mishra

I am Thinking

Devesh imagines a beautiful world and wishes it is true, in the verse, for Different Truths.  I’m thinking So I’m a thinker I ‘m writing So I’m a writer...
  • November 20, 2017
  • Arun Dash

Those Industrious Palms

Arun tells us about city life, in this verse, in Different Truths. The gush of light coming Through the window, The chirping of the birds, The bell of the...