• May 17, 2022
  • Prasanna Bhatta

Victory Vivifies Verity

Prasanna alliterates to create an inner music, about a social issue, uplifting the mundane, exclusively for Different Truths. Victory vilified vivid vigour and vivacity Vesting vibration, verifies velocity of...
  • March 3, 2022
  • Mamta Joshi

A City’s Penance

Here’s a social commentary in verse by Mamta.  An undying treeOn the banks of rivers threeTwo polluted, one mythicalA C'ezanne brown medieval fortMysterious shadowsetched under its arches and columnsSilently...

The First Shadows of Cruelty

Here’s a short story by Aarathi that explores the complexities of relationships. It was penned during a Creative Writing Workshop, conducted by our Editor-in-Chief, Arindam. A Different Truths exclusive....