Every Heart

Sarala tells about the need for love and care for every person. A social awareness poem, exclusively for Different Truths. Every heart needs to be consoled. Sometime or other...
  • February 25, 2022
  • Reena Prasad

The Wingspan Of Sorrow

A poignant poem by Reena. It’s intense and sensuous.  If I stoopit is to drink deep of youmy doppelgänger, black and greyI wear your shades better than any otherwanting...
  • February 23, 2022
  • Anumita Roy

May Light Precede Footsteps

Anumita talks about Saptapadi(1). The groom leads three circumambulations around the fire but from the fourth, the bride leads. Seven vows unite them for seven lives. May your light precede...