A Mother Fades Away

In this poignant verse Mamta talks of the trials and tribulations of advancing age and Alzheimer. Her memory Razor sharp Loses its fluency Choked grey cells With corrosive plaque  ...

Smitten Atul!

Love means different things to different people. Some like Atul can lay their lives too. Arindam reminisces a real life incident, many moons ago. We were newbie in the Allahabad...

Art and Artiste

This is perhaps the longest intro in Different Truths. Please hear me out and you’ll know why I am saying what I am saying. Am not blaming or condemning anyone....
  • January 13, 2016
  • Rebeqa Rivers

Music is my Saviour!

Rebeqa tells us how music saved her life. It’s not enough to be saved once the need is to be ‘reSaved’ each day by hope, love, and music. Here’s a...