My Favorite Christmas Tree

Here’s an excerpt story from the New York-based Joseph Ferguson’s latest short fiction collection, Shillelagh Law. It’s a must read. The story originally appeared in Ellipsis: An Anthology of Humorous Short...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to the large DT family, our readers, well-wishers, writers, and poets, across 160 nations, where DT is read. Due to Christmas Holiday, there will be no issue of the...
  • May 30, 2016
  • Duska Vrhovac

There are People

Duska’s intense and evocative poem of many people around us. There are people you don’t have to talk to understand them. You don’t have to see them regularly send...


Most of the time, we are grumbling and complaining. We hardly pause to count our blessings. Lily speaks of the immense power of gratitude in this Different Truths’ exclusive. “I...