• June 9, 2017
  • Shameena Abdurahiman

All about Nail Care

Our Kuala Lumpur-based fashionista, Shameena, tells us all about nail care, in the weekly column, exclusively in Different Truths. Are you taking good care of your nails? Are they...

My Love for Okra

London-based Parna, a certified Nutritionist, tells us about the many benefits of Okra, including how it helps reduce fat. She shares a recipe for Sweet & Sour Okra Yogurt...
  • March 13, 2017
  • Dr. Tripti Sharan

Cancer: A Viral Truth

Cancer cervix is leading cancer in Indian women and the second most common worldwide.  A known cause, HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus), a known mode of spread i.e sexually transmitted...