• August 4, 2016
  • Sehar Siddiqi

Blood of my Son

A protest poem by Sehar about the bloodstained kurta of a father with the blood of 13-year-old son. Blinded Children  Maimed youth  Scarred men Disillusioned women  Bloody chaurahas* Silent...
  • July 15, 2016
  • Mamta Joshi

The Litany of Violence

The recent senseless killings, a terror attack, in the French Riviera (Nice) has appalled people around the globe. Mamta recounts the savage violence in verse.    In another Continent Like a leitmotif...
  • July 11, 2016
  • Lily Swarn

Golden Staircase

An enigmatic poem from Lily that weaves magic with potent metaphors. Threads of live electric currents Raw and potent Throbbing with charges Penetrating persistently Into magical realms of eternity...
  • July 9, 2016
  • Joyce Yarrow

Dialog with a Cave Woman

An enigmatic poem where Joyce travels through time as two women, a mask and a person, talk. I see your fierce face peering out from behind an African mask in...
  • July 3, 2016
  • Anumita Roy

Tulsi Mancha

A beautiful love poem by Anumita, where the wife waits for her sailor husband, praying and pining at the Tusli Mancha. She pulls her sari veil over her head, with...
  • June 2, 2016
  • Ipsita Ganguli

Sisterhood Beyond Borders-I

Ipsita and Urooj found each other through poetry and discovered a deep bond, an inexplicable affinity and affection resulting in a beautiful bond beyond borders. They came together in sisterhood, melting geographical...