• December 29, 2016
  • Lopamudra Banerjee


A voice that cannot be stifled, a protest that breaks shackles is the poetic voice of Lopamudra. Her protest poem envisions change. Here’s her firebrand poem for Different Truths. Every single...
  • October 27, 2016
  • Urooj Murtaza

The Inward Eye

Here’s a pensive, inward looking poem, wherein, the poet, Urooj, talks with her heart and soul. An evocative prose poem for Different Truths. Write with a heart that’s pure… write...
  • September 3, 2016
  • Mamta Joshi

Bitter Dregs of Coffee

A poem with a universality by Mamta. From coffee that two people have to the terror attacks in another continent, depicting the life and times of the now generation. A...