A poignant story about a girl in the ASD spectrum. It unfolds the struggle of a single mother and Yashika, their trials and tribulations, and finally recognition, as Special...
In Pursuit of a Normal Life
Anjali shares the trials and tribulations of being a mother of a Special Needs child, diagnosed with ASD, with her diary, in this short story. She’s dismayed that even...
An eAnthology of Poems on Autism
Autism: An Advocacy Initiative is a campaign programme of this webzine. We present an eAnthology of Poems, wherein 42 poets, with as many poems, spread across 19 nations [India...
Mother of High Functioning Autism Children: Real or Not
The author’s children are high functioning autistic. The term “autistic” used with her children felt wrong as if she used that as a label to get things to work....
Worldwide, Right-Minded People Unite for Autism Awareness, Reject Tall Claims of Big Media Houses
Working in the midst of the advocacy issue, Autism awareness, for the second year, we find that a large number of poets, storytellers, authors, and researchers, from 19 countries...
Karan Johar and Kunal Khemu Celebrate Birthdays on May 25
A star-child, Karan Johar, carved a niche for himself in Bollywood. He is known for his candid opinions, despite the rough weather he had to face. Kunal Khemu shares...
Give a Paw to Help Autism and Special Needs, Persons
Service dogs and specially trained dogs for autism and learning disability are becoming a reality. Schools around the USA have implemented programs to include these four legged furry creatures...